All classes have had their last GTT session for the year and they were AWESOME! The weather has kept us on our toes with rain, thunder, hail and sun all in one day in most cases. Bob had the pizza oven stoked up by 8.30am every morning, regardless of the weather, and grandson Campbell was a great assistant.
Homemade pizzas using vegetables and herbs harvested from the garden and Mini rhubarb and fruit mince pies for the Year 5's and Strawberry santas for the Year 4's were on the menu.
Gardeners tidied up the gardens in preparation for the Christmas break. Rhubarb and broadbeans were harvested then weighed, bagged and stored in the freezer for next year. Parsley, rosemary and marjoram were harvested to make herb salts and plenty of weeding was done by all.
Lots of thankyous to all our volunteers this year and special awards to those children who have really embraced GTT in every way this year. Well done to all!