Friday, 5 April 2019

Goodbye Summer, Welcome Autumn

We have harvested the last of our tomatoes and peaches and are now enjoying new seasons feijoas, nashi pears and apples. Coriander, parsley and fennel seeds have been harvested.
We have been so lucky to have lots of volunteers this term. Mums, Dads, Grandparents have come along and we have loved sharing the GTT experience with them. Mr Toomer our Principal joined Room 21 and really enjoyed hearing the wonderful conversations around food. 

We had so much fun using a food processor to grate our beetroot for a salad with carrots, mint, raisins and pumpkin seeds. "Beets" using a grater!

 Broadbean hummus with homemade tortilla chips. We used our stored broadbeans that were harvested at the end of last year. Now there is room in the freezer for the next harvest!
Our beautiful free stone peaches 

Apples from our tree were used to make apple and cinnamon pinwheel scones. Delicious!
 Using our knife skills to produce a Seedy slaw with cabbage, kale, sorrel and herbs from our garden
                                         Super yummy corn fritters with a no cook tomato coulis
Nashi pear and sage tart using puff pastry sheets
                            Jeruslaem artichoke flowers and sage, mint and thyme in our garden