Thursday, 24 September 2020

Pizzas and Maths

 Mrs Masters has been in charge of the pizza oven this term and has done a fabulous job cooking the pizzas to perfection. She has even managed to get in a maths lesson at the same time.

Beetroot and caramelised onion, Homemade pesto and parmesan pizza bread and Apple crumble pizza

Each class voted on which pizza they enjoyed the most and saw the benefit of displaying the results on a bar graph. Very useful information for planning pizzas next term.

Ka Pai Mrs Masters!

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Super Easy Cheesy Puffs

Check out these super easy cheesy puffs! They are a quick and easy to make recipe that are great for a snack. I added chopped parsley to mine but you could add other herbs, or silverbeet, spinach or kale. You could also add chopped ham or cooked bacon if you like. 

Why dont you try making them, here is the link to the recipe. 

Super easy cheesy puff recipe

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Sorting Spices and Apple and Cinnamon Pinwheel Scones

We decided we would make some Apple and Cinnamon Pinwheel scones for morning tea but it was so hard to find the cinnamon as the spices and herbs were in a real mess. 

Millie suggested it would be a good idea to organise them so it was easier to find what we needed. Here is a before photo of how they looked

and after Millie had sorted them. She sorted them into types of packets first and then into alphabetical order. It was more challenging then she thought it would be, but worth it in the end as we found the cinnamon! You could try this activity at home.
Here is the link to the Apple and Cinnamon Pinwheel Scones we made. They didnt last long enough to get a photo of them all!

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Preparing for Matariki

Happy faces having harvested these amazing potatoes from our garden! We made potato and rosemary pizza, Horowhenua pizza and Matariki star shaped cookies with a zesty citrus icing. Mrs Masters used her Brownies and Girl Guide skills and experience to get our pizza oven stoked and the pizzas were delicious.
It was so nice to sit around the pizza oven to eat our kai and talk about Matariki.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Hello from Mrs Masters and ways to use less water

Hello everyone,


We have been thinking a lot about all of you and what you are growing, harvesting,cooking, sharing and observing. We are looking forward to seeing you soon and hearing all your stories.
I have had lots of feijoas in my garden and I'm wondering what you are growing and harvesting.
The broad beans that were sown in the last week of school are ready to plant into the school gardens and I will be starting some more seeds this week.
Some seeds that you can sow in the garden at the moment are; carrot, radish, spinach, some types of lettuce and other salad greens, coriander, parsley, kale, silverbeet, peas, broccoli, cabbage, cavolo nero and turnips. These will all keep growing during the shorter cooler days of winter. There will also be seedlings at your local garden centres and some might even be germinating all by themselves in your garden. You can grow many of these in pots in sunny places around your home if you don't have a vegetable garden.

Some of you are learning  about the Water Cycle. We need this cycle for the water we drink and use every day. You may have heard that the dams in the Waitakere and Hunua Ranges are less than half full as Auckland has had a drought for the last few months. Click this link to see How full are the Auckland dams? The water in your taps comes from rain that fills these dams.We don't always think about this,we just turn on the tap and expect water to pour out. There is a water shortage and the people who work to make sure we have clean drinking water want everyone to save water by not wasting it.
Hooray for the rain we have had, but we will need a lot more before the dams are full and being careful about using water helps the environment and saves money too. 

How can we use less?


🚰Turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth.  
🚰 Put a bowl in the kitchen sink when preparing vegetables and rinsing dishes. ( just like we were doing in the kitchen classroom) then put this water around your plants. 
🚰Look up water saving tips from Watercare and other experts. 
🚰Another tip is to have a bucket in the shower to catch the water while you are getting the temperature just right. This water is clean and great for recycling. 
🚰Once the ground is really wet from rain or your recycling then  mulch your soil to keep the soil warm and covered during the winter. 
🚰Leave a container out that can be your own rainwater gauge. Sometimes it looks as if there has been a lot of rain but it is just enough to wet the concrete or footpath but not enough to sink down and give plant roots a big drink. 

Here is the container I left out last night now full of beautiful fresh rainwater.
I know there are lots of happy plants and gardeners in Meadowbank today.
Ka kite - See you soon.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Greens and Cheese Fritters - cooking challenge

Here is a great recipe for Greens and Cheese Fritters that you might like to try at home.
It is a very versatile recipe as you can use any sort of "greens" that you have in your fridge, garden or even freezer - silverbeet, spinach, kale, sorrel, peas, mint, parsley, basil, oregano, chives...

Here is a Cheese and Greens Fritters cooking demo  that Becks Kelleher our GTT Programme Coordinator put together with her children to show how to make these.

Cooking Challenge

You might like to produce your own cooking demo and post it on your class Seesaw.

Nadia Lim has produced a cooking show that you could get some tips from called Nadia's Comfort Kitchen . In fact her easy tomato sauce recipe in this episode would go very well with the Greens and Cheese Fritters!

Jamie Oliver is another chef who is a fabulous cooking presenter. His latest cooking show is great. Check it out Keep Cooking and Carry On

Our amazing GTT Ambassador Al Brown is also an inspiring cooking presenter that you could get some ideas from Al Browns Roadside Fritters

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Anzac Cookies

Anzac Day is on Saturday the 25th April. Anzac cookies were sent to troops in the war and they are still a popular cookie to make now and are great as a snack.
There are many recipes for Anzac cookies, we have one on the blog Anzac Cookies and here is the link to a recipe for Anzac cookies with a twist See in the Dark Anzac Biscuits
I sometimes like to melt some cooking chocolate and drizzle the chocolate over the top of the cookies after they have come out of the oven and are cool.
Nadia Lim has a dairy free recipe using coconut oil Nadia Lim dairy free Anzac Cookies
Healtheries NZ has a gluten free recipe Healtheries Gluten free Anzac cookies or you could use any recipe and replace the flour with gluten free flour and the rolled oats with quinoa flakes. 
You might like to add your own secret ingredient to make your own version of Anzac cookies! I would love to hear about your creations - you can comment below.